請完成訂單詳情Sorry, there appears to be an error, please ensure shipping details are correct and press "confirm address" againPlease press confirm address to make sure we have all your details correctThank you, your address has been confirmedIt appears your address details may have changed, please press “Confirm Address” again to ensure we have your correct details. Thank you.It appears your cart details may have changed, please press “Confirm Address” again to ensure we have your correct details. Thank you.Checkout failed. Please try again laterCheckout failed, please try again or choose another payment method. If the situation persists, please contact us on cs.shangri-laboutiqueMY@gols.com.hk.Checkout refused, please try again or choose another payment method. If the situation persists, please contact us on cs.shangri-laboutiqueMY@gols.com.hk.請確認閣下已年滿18歲Your coupon is unable to use. Please check againPlease login to Shangri-La Circle before applying promo codesNote that changing email will remove the applied coupon code. Please re-apply coupon code before checking out.Note that changing cart will remove the applied coupon code. Please re-apply coupon code before checking out.Note that changing SLC points will remove the applied coupon code. Please re-apply coupon code before checking out.Note that changing payment method will remove the applied coupon code. Please re-apply coupon code before checking out.抱歉,我們的送貨服務暫時未包括您的地址,請嘗試其他位置。抱歉,我們無法識別您的地址。請確保送貨地址和信息正確無誤。Some product is not available.Some product require you to sign in to your SLC account.每位會員均有 件 配額,歷史訂單亦包括在內。請調整產品數量,或將產品從購物車中移除以完成訂單。香格里拉會積分不足,請以其他方式支付。Shangri-La Circle Points is not allowed for checkout.Please select the pick up location.The product(s) you selected is exclusively for registered Union Bank cards, please select Union Bank as a payment option.The product(s) you selected is exclusively for registered Metrobank cards, please select Metrobank as a payment option.驗證失敗。請完成 reCAPTCHA 驗證以繼續。The product(s) you selected is exclusively for registered BDO American Express cards, please select BDO as a payment option.
請注意: 您的購物車現時有非食品類產品,將食品類產品加進購物車將清空其他產品。
請注意: 您的購物車現時有非零售類產品,將零售類產品加進購物車將清空其他產品。
You have already selected food from another hotel. If you continue your cart and selection(s) will be removed.
請注意: 您的購物車現時有非零售類產品,將零售類產品加進購物車將清空其他產品。